LIVE! See Michael S. Tyrrell in a Rare WHOLETONES Event!

LIVE! See Michael S. Tyrrell in a Rare WHOLETONES Event!

My name is Marty M. Fahncke, and I'm the Chief Marketing Officer of Barton Publishing.

Michael is in the recording studio right now working on a new (and amazing!) Wholetones project, so he asked me to send this note to you today. I work alongside Joe Barton and Michael to help deliver WHOLETONES to the world. You've heard from me a few times, but you've never heard from me with such exciting news as I have for you today! Keep reading…



Helium is a wonderful, yet simple, gas with a very basic atomic structure. Although it has many uses, the most common is filling up balloons! A few weeks ago, I visited the Paisley Park memorial to the artist, Prince, in Chanhassen, Minnesota. There were hundreds of purple helium balloons and heartfelt poems, letters, and artwork placed by the fence surrounding Prince’s former recording compound. I was deeply moved by the amazing tribute to this iconic musician. But as beautiful as all of the balloons were, within a few days, they hung lifeless and deflated … only a shadow of their previous glory.

Gratitude Is the Attitude That Determines My Altitude

Hope all is well in your world. I am writing to you from 35,000 ft., which gives me a higher perspective to address you from! I just spent the last few days with some amazing people in at the Consumer Health Summit in Scottsdale, AZ. Joe Barton, Maceo Jourdan, and I experienced the exhilaration of being in a room with 82 dynamic individuals who are changing the world. 

May You Be Blessed!

Happy Tuesday Wholetonians,

This email is of the utmost importance.

Together, we have literally changed the world…and we’ve just begun! Testimonies arepouring in from around the globe, because your support and prayers have helped me take Wholetones to the nations. I don’t have words that would accurately express how thankful I am for you, so… I will show you!

The “physical” launch of “Wholetones,” was at the Shakespeare Theatre in Orlando, Florida…October 24th, 2014. We are not even 2 years old yet! So, from day one, I have been in a state of, “shock and awe” at the uncanny way God has used this, “healing frequency music” to bring transformation to so many.

“Transformation,”  what a powerful word. Let me offer a brief definition:

Transformation |ˌtransfərˈmāSHən| - noun

1. a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance: its landscape has undergone a radical transformation.

2. a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal.

This word, transformation, is also the title of the 4th disk in your Wholetones set. (Also known as 528hz) It was this powerful frequency that inspired the Barton Publishing team, and yours truly, to dub May 28th as “528 day”!  As we continue to grow year after year, you can expect some special “token,” of our heartfelt appreciation for you on 5/28.  For the future, we are working on some special, “live,” events for 528 day.  But until then, we are going to respond by giving you what you, our faithful Wholetonians have asked for…a big phat discount on EVERYTHING Wholetones! That’s right for one day only, Wholetones, Wholetones Chroma, Wholetones Christmas and even the popular Wholetones T-Shirts! For 24 hours, you will be able to purchase these life changing works for 52.8% off the usual price!!!

There is never a day that passes where we aren't asked, “Do you ever have discount coupons, or special sales? Well, 528 Day is our way of emphatically saying…yes!

Here is the balance…When we released Wholetones, we looked at EVERY frequencybased product available, and quite frankly…many of the ones we researched were…VERY expensive. So with that in mind, we priced Wholetones at a price that most could afford, with NO STRINGS ATTACHED, and without the need for the typical, “just 6 easy payments” jargon. And once purchased, Wholetones is yours…period! But even with that said, some of our Wholetones family have loved ones who live on fixed or limited incomes, and we wanted to make sure that they had an opportunity to experience the benefits of Wholetones as well.  Hence, 528 Day was born. If someone told you that you could change your life for under $100.00, far less than the price of a 2 oz wrinkle cream at Saks 5th avenue, I think I know what you would say. On May 28th, everyone will be able to purchase Wholetones…at a fraction of the cost.

We have a deeper reason for this event, you see, love is not what you say, it’s what you do! And the least we can do for all of you that have shared Wholetones on social media, told friends, prayed for us, encouraged us, is to have an annual day where we can do something for you.

So, make sure you look out for a special email you will be receiving on Friday, May 27th that will explain the details of the amazing 528 Day sale in full!

Thank you for being you,

Michael S. Tyrrell

Sticks & Stones

Happy Tuesday Wholetonians,

I hope you are enjoying my weekly musings.  This week’s email comes to you from 35,000 feet, compliments of GoGo Wi-Fi. In the next two weeks, I will have some fresh insider info regarding my next Wholetones offering. You will be happily surprised, I can assure you! I will also be sharing some amazing customer testimonials that will blow your mind.

So, let’s move on to this week’s topic, “sticks and stones.” When I was little, one of the popular rhymes was “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” For years, because of my age and repetition, I bought into this rhyme as truth. Often, we are lulled into the belief that words have little impact upon our lives. However, the Bible tells us, “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” With that being said, our words obviously pack quite a punch!

Can you remember a time when someone you trusted said something cutting and degrading to your face? What happened next? How long did those words have an effect on your life? Believe it or not, one hurtful word spoken at a time of great vulnerability can stick with you and ruin your life! Think about it. If you had a physical injury, you would probably recover within weeks or months. Yet one venomous, calculated word shot from the arrow of someone’s insecurity could maim you for life. Here is a scripture that brings it home: Proverbs 12:18 “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Please consider the awesome power of man’s tongue! James 3:6, The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. Once you see the possibilities for evil, wouldn’t you want to speak life to others instead? My point here is obvious: what you say is what you get. You can’t fool frequencies; they can only create what they are! If you speak blessings over your life, you’ll live a blessed life. Likewise, if you curse your life, you’ll live a cursed life!

Both good and evil are comprised of a frequency How will you set the tone for your life … your friends … your family? As for me and my house, the answer is simple. We speak life and those of you who do the same will experience this: Psalm 23:6,“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of understanding just one key truth—everything is frequency and has a resonant frequency. Once you understand this, life is beautiful! I am so excited to share my latest discoveries with you. Suffice it to say, I will be a busy guy over the next 6 months so. Stay tuned!

Be Whole,

Michael S. Tyrrell